
Friday 1 November 2013

You're never too old, fat, old and fat...

A lot of people have said to me "ooh you're an inspiration, I wish I had your motivation!". Which is a lovely thing to say and very flattering (although when I'm sweating, swearing and grimacing I feel far from inspirational) 

The gym can "seem" like the MOST intimidating place on earth. Big shiny machines, weird sounds (a combination of the machines clinking and people like me moaning and groaning) and you'd think lots of skinny minny girls and big muscly blokes (there are some) Lots of people there for the look of being there, although how hard they're working is for them and their conscience to know. 

This week I had a really good look round at my fellow gym buddies and I've noticed there are people of all different shapes and sizes, different ages too. I've seen skinny minny girls doing unbelievable things with their legs (how do they even bend to that position?). I've seen ordinary women lifting heavy weights. I've seen the most overweight people ever having a bash on the TRX. I've seen OAPs having a training session with a personal trainer, clearly keeping fit but enjoying the conversation and the social contact. I've seen teenagers getting puffed out on the rowers. I've seen couples exercising together, spurring each other on. 

But the one thing I've come to realise is nobody looks at you. Well that's not true. What I mean is  people are rarely judging. They might be looking to see what you are doing, comparing what you are doing to what they are doing but they're very rarely judging. Most people are so focussed on their own workout they probably haven't even noticed you (except when you're using the kettlebells they want!)

You very rarely get the odd comment from a smart Alec but I am safe in the knowledge I'm on my path and doing my thing, if I'm sweating and red faced that's a good thing, so screw them!

I guess my point is. Don't be concerned over what others might say or think, and don't wait to be inspired by others. You need to be your own inspiration. Set your own goals, push your own boundaries and forget other people are there. You're never too fat, old, young, thin, fit or unfit to inspire yourself. 

H x

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